Senior Sessions are some of my favorite sessions to be apart of. Senior Sessions are a special time for graduating high schoolers to feel empowered. There are not many times that a young girl or guy will step in front of the camera totally on their own without their mom making them do it for a family session. Senior Sessions are all about the graduating senior, and no one else. And I’m not going to lie, that is why these are some of my favorite sessions.
So many high schoolers absolutely hate getting their pictures taken because it can be so intimidating, frightening, and they do not want to be embarrassed. Let me tell you, that is because you have hired the wrong photographer! Senior Sessions should be an absolute joy for both the senior and the photographer! There is nothing I love more, than to show my seniors the back of my camera mid session and say “Look how amazing you are!” And then watch their faces light up because they cannot believe that is them! And let me tell you, this session was totally that.
Senior girls session are such a delight. They are the cutest to get in front of the camera because I absolutely love showing them how empowering they truly can be. When I show them the back of my camera and they are completely stunned how amazing they look, it makes everything worth it. Every girl wants to feel pretty and better yet, look it as well. That is why posing and comfortability on your session is what I love to help you with the most!
Kyla’s Senior Session at Agritopia Farms was simply breathtaking. I mean can we talk about how amazing she looks in these photos?! I even loved looking at the back of my camera to be like, omg Kyla these are AMAZING! Kyla is the perfect combination of a bubbly and sweet hearted young lady, and I could not be more proud of the young woman she is turning in to.
I first met Kyla as a freshman in high school. She came out for the track team her freshman year and wanted to try pole vault. Kyla was definitely the shy, timid, cute little freshman that I had to keep telling to be more aggressive. And let me tell you, over the last 3 years, she has definitely come out of her shell into a beautiful young lady. That sweet little timid girl that I met 3 years ago, absolutely is killing it in pole vault now. She helped our team win the State Championship Title last year by having a huge Person Record in the pole vault to clinch 4th place! It was a magical night!
Next year, Kyla is excited to be attending Grand Canyon University to continue her education. She is excited to join the education department with hopes to become an elementary teacher one day. Kyla would make an amazing teacher. She has the sweetest heart for others, is always looking out for the best interest in others, and loves to serve anyone that she can. I am so excited to see where the Lord will take Kyla over the next four years and how He will use her for his purposes. Kyla, thank you for allowing me the opportunity to capture your gorgeous self for your senior photos. It truly was a honor and I am so excited for you and what’s to come! 🙂

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