Usery Mountain Park is hands down one of my favorite places to do photography sessions at. That is why I loved this family session at Usery Mountain Park. There is just something so perfect about the lighting, the desert landscape, and hardly any crowds that make it an ideal location. I have found the perfect spot where I can get beautiful open shade right next to a mountain for the beginning of my sessions. And then by the time the sun goes down, all the landscape turns into this magical glow! And my goodness that was definitely the case with this Family Session.
The Brotherton Family have quickly become dear friends of mine. I met Mary at Burn Bootcamp South Chandler last fall when I began my fitness journey after I had my daughter back in May. Mary had a sweet baby girl that was just getting ready to turn one when I met her. We instantly hit it off talking about all things motherhood and what it was like to finally have a baby girl! This was our first girl for both of us and man was it exciting! I have absolutely love watching our two little girls play together and grow up together over this past year. It is definitely crazy how fast time flies! Now they are both walking, talking, and turning into little girls right in front of our eyes.
Mary and her husband Mike have been married for 12 wonderful years. They have four beautiful children all with the cutest names! The oldest is John Michael who is 9, then James David who is 7, followed by Luke Samuel who is 5, and last but not least, the cutest little princess Anna Rose, who just turned 2 last month! And let me tell you, they are some of the sweetest littles I have ever met. Don’t get me wrong, having three boys can definitely be a rowdy chaotic time. However, their sweet momma has raised them in a loving wonderful way that has made them respectful, generous, and so loving.
Watching this sweet family’s relationship with each other is simply beautiful. There is so much love within this family and it is so evident. There are some families where you can tell not everyone enjoys each other’s company. That is definitely not the case with the Brotherton Family. Their love for Jesus shines right through them and to everyone they meet and interact with. I am so blessed to know this sweet wonderful family! Mary and Mike, thank you so much for allowing me to photograph your family this year! It was truly an honor to spend time together making and capturing beautiful memories of your adorable family last week! I hope you love these photos as much as I do!

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