Springtime was in the air, the weather was warming up outside, and the pure love and joy between these two was undeniable. Niko and Ciara were meant to be together. When you look at the two of them together, pure bliss and happiness is what you see. It is something so magical and so breathtaking, that only a wedding day can truly describe how wonderful they are together.
Niko and Ciara met a little over six years ago. From that point on, their love was undeniable for each other. When you see the two of them together, you can’t help but smile at the joy that is radiating off of them. Ciara has the most beautiful bubbly personality that makes the whole room light up when she is in it. Just look at her glow in her beautiful wedding dress! There was not anything but a beautiful smile on her face the entire day. This was the day she had been waiting for her entire life, and it was absolutely beautiful.
The day was shared with family and friends gathered together at St Daniel the Prophet for Catholic Mass. After celebrating a beautiful ceremony together, the newly weds followed with their reception at the beautiful Bella Rose Estate https://www.bellaroseestate.com. The whole family gathered around to celebrate these two and their beautiful love for each other. It truly was a magical night!
Niko and Ciara, thank you so much for entrusting me with your beautiful day! It was absolutely amazing to celebrate you both and to see your love for one another. You are both truly amazing and I am so happy to see your love story continue as you start this next chapter of your life together!

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