Danny’s Senior Session at High Street was definitely one for the books. I had never been to High Street before, and was excited to see the possibilities it would provide. Danny wanted a more modern vibe for his senior photos. He asked if we could do some rooftop shots and I said heck yeah why not? Well now I know why they are so difficult to pull off. We were asked to leave right as we were finishing our session. But it was hands down totally worth it to grab these awesome shots we got!
How handsome is this young man who is about to graduate high school this spring?! Danny Lewis is a Senior at Paradise Valley Christian High School. He is a sports enthusiast and loves supporting his school’s sports teams. Even though the sports teams are limited at PVCS, that does not stop him from wanting to play as well as cheer on his school whenever possible. He also loves spending his free time with his friends and making the most memories possible.
He, like many seniors heading into the final stretch, is very excited to see what is to come after high school. Danny’s dream school is California Baptist University in Riverside, California. An absolutely beautiful school to attend. He would love to study and become a mechanical engineer while he attends there the next four years. Mechanical engineering is not an easy degree, but Danny is determined to strive and achieve his college degree and see where God takes him through it.
Danny, thank you so much for choosing Chandler Fulton Photography to do your senior photos. It was truly a blast photographing these and learning more about you and your family. I can’t wait to see where God leads you over the next four years. 🙂

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