This senior photo session at DC Ranch in Scottsdale, Arizona was way too much fun. I was so amazed at all the different options of building structure and backgrounds you could find on Market Street at DC Ranch. To not only get amazing variety but also beautiful lightening almost everywhere you went, was a photographer’s dream come true. Finding a place to do a guy’s senior photo session can be tricky at times because every senior has a different kind of vibe they like. However, DC Ranch turned out to be a wonderful place to go!
Cooper’s senior session was especially fun because he is my not “so little” cousin. I remember the first Christmas we all had together in 2015 when his family had finally moved out to Arizona. It had been years since I had seen him before then and I did not know him all too well. Well, flash forward six years later, TONS of family hangouts, and lots of good memories and the little boy I knew six years ago is all grown up! And what an amazing young man he is!
If you had to ask me one of my favorite things I love about Cooper, besides his awesome hair, it would be his genuine heart. Cooper is one of the sweetest most genuine guys I know who just has a heart for serving others. Whenever he watches my kids, he has the biggest smile on his face and you can tell he genuinely loves doing it. He has been to Mexico to help build houses for those in need. He serves at Mom’s Food Pantry in Scottsdale, Arizona regularly to help feed those who are hungry. He even is the sweet older brother to a younger sister who shares the exact same birthday with him. Definitely not an easy task to do but this young man absolutely loves his family.
Cooper’s plans after he graduates Paradise Valley Christian School this spring is to hopefully attend Colorado Christian University. It is still unknown if that is where he will be going, but that is his dream school. He plans to major in Sports Management as he is a guy who loves all things sports. I can totally see him managing a team one day and I cannot wait to see where God leads him in that profession. Cooper, it was such an honor to be able to photograph your senior photos. I cannot believe the time has already come for you to graduate high school. I cannot wait to see what God does in your life over the next four years. Continue to be a wonderful loving young man of God and you will go very far in life!

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