Anyone can tell you that life with kids feels as though it just flies by right before your eyes. As a mom, you want to only half listen to people who tell you that because you feel as though half the time, you are drowning from the chaos of Two under Two. And then they start to grow up and show you their personality and their adorable little hearts. And all you can think and hope for, is that time would just slow down because you really do enjoy this young, wild, crazy stage that they are in. Yes, you may feel as though you are a crazy A LOT of the time haha but being a little child’s everything can be SO worth it.
What makes enjoying this crazy stage of life, is doing it with others. Even though everyone always says they understand the chaos because they were once there… Finding those friends who are currently there, right in the thick of it with you, are what truly help change your life. Austin and Alyssa are those friends to us. When we found out we were moving back up to Phoenix, they were one of the first people we told because we were so excited to finally start doing everything life together! Our oldest kiddos are only two days apart!! Tatum was born April 16 and Ryker was born April 18. We knew right then that we would have truly amazing friends to do the next 18 years with while we watched our kids grow up together. Their youngest Emmy, is eight months to the day, older than our Addi, but somehow they managed to still be in the same school grade which we are super pumped for!! Finding friends who share your same beliefs, morals, and outlook on life really help shape you as a person. We are so thankful for Austin and Alyssa and their sweet little family!
Austin is currently a real estate agent. He got in the business after his dad had been doing real estate for the majority of his life. Amongst the crazy market right now, he is also working to help start up a virtual fitness company. He has such a heart for helping others achieve their dreams through athletics and making others be the best athletes that they can be. He has made such a difference in other’s lives and it really is inspiring to watch him strive so hard to help others! His sweet wife Alyssa is a NICU nurse, and an adorable one at that. She somehow manages to take care of her kiddos during the day, and works the nurse nightshift. Just like a supermom! The way she constantly has a smile on her face, even while disciplining her kiddos just shows how big her heart really is. Balancing work and motherhood is definitely no walk in the park, but each and every day she puts that sweet smile on her face and does it like a champ!
Thank you both so much for allowing me to take lasting memories of your beautiful family! You guys are the definition of adorable!! I hope you love your images as much as I do and I’m sorry I couldn’t narrow down the amount because you guys are just way too cute!!

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